This week, Paris is set to host the Summer Olympics for the first time in a century. In recent decades, some things have changed – ready for the first gold medalist in breakdancing? – and some things have stayed the same, such as its ban on athletes like Sha’Carri Richardson who test positive for cannabis. Olympic drug testers say cannabis improves athletic performance. Discover how cannabis can boost athletes’ physical and mental performance, and explore KANHA’s THCv, and green tea extract infused gummies.

As the NBA, NHL, MLB and other major sports leagues lift their bans, why not the Olympics? The answer may be found in a 2011 study by Olympic drug testers who cite all the ways in which cannabis “has significant positive effects in sports.”
Make no mistake, these are reefer-mad drug testers trying to justify the ban with some very questionable conclusions. However, a peer-reviewed journal, like a court of law, requires a higher standard of proof, so the sports narcs had to provide actual science. The result is arguably the best collection of evidence ever compiled on how cannabis helps athletes.
Let’s start with a few word-for-word highlights on what cannabis can provide:
- “Performance enhancing in sports that require greater concentration”
- “[Helps] athletes to better perform under pressure”
- “Cannabis could… improve oxygenation to the tissues”
- “[Helps] to alleviate stress experienced before and during competition”
- “Cannabis can decrease anxiety, fear, depression and tension”
- “Cannabis also helps in coping with negative mood and emotional distress”
Did you experience a painful fall during an event?
“Cannabinoids play a major role in the extinction of fear memories, [and] athletes who experienced traumatic events in their sports career could benefit from such an effect.”
Do you play a defensive position in sports?
Cannabis can provide “improvement of vision for goalkeepers and muscle relaxation.”
Do you feel anxious before competition?
Maybe you’ll like “reduced anxiety-like behaviours without motor impairment” and “relief of anxiety and stress, and perhaps to reduce muscle spasm.”
The study, published by the Sports Medicine journal, conducted a review of the existing scientific literature on the subject and interviewed actual athletes who offered all kinds of praise explains why olympic drug testers say cannabis improves athletic performance. The following are examples of what athletes had to say about cannabis:
- “Their thoughts flow more easily and their decision making and creativity is enhanced”
- “Cannabis improves their concentration or reduces pain”
- “[Consuming] cannabis before play helps them to focus better”
- “The higher the students’ level of competition, the more cannabis was employed to enhance performance”
- “The relaxing properties of cannabis were frequently used to enhance sports performance”
Interestingly, many of the findings came from a national survey of French student athletes. The reason for the survey? Even though the 2024 host country still prohibits cannabis, 25% of the positive tests for French Olympic athletes in 2002 involved cannabis.
Improved Performance, Enhanced Recovery
Based on the findings of the study, cannabis appears to provide at least two major types of benefits: improved performance and enhanced recovery. When it comes to performance, the benefits split again between physical and mental improvements.
In terms of physical benefits, cannabis “perhaps improves training and performance, yielding a competitive edge” and “enhances sensory perception, decreases respiratory rate and increases heart rate; increased bronchodilation may improve oxygenation of the tissues.” As far as the mental benefits, “Cannabis induces euphoria, improves self-confidence, induces relaxation and steadiness and relieves the stress of competition.”
As far as recovery, “Cannabis improves sleep and recovery after an event, reduces anxiety and fear and aids the forgetting of negative events such as bad falls and so forth.” Likewise, “Cannabis is an analgesic that could permit athletes to work through injuries and pain induced by training fatigue.”

Functional Gummies
If the World Anti-Doping Agency had complaints about cannabis in 2011, imagine what they’d think about functional gummies that harness the power of minor cannabinoids. For example, KANHA’s doctor-formulated Energy gummies feature a 1:1:1 ratio of THCv, delta-9 THC and green tea extract (10mg each). Most people know about THC and green tea extract, but THCv is a minor cannabinoid with major benefits for athletic performance.
What does THCv provide? Though chemically related to THC, this minor cannabinoid offers different benefits that may include energy, focus, increased metabolism and weight loss, leading to nicknames like Weederall and Diet Weed. Studies suggest it also reduces pain and anxiety, protects the central nervous system, increases bone growth, elevates anandamide levels and interacts with 5-HT1A serotonin receptors. When it comes to boosting athletic performance, our Energy formula stands out for its comprehensive formula and high-quality THCv.
The Olympic Opening Ceremony Paris takes place on Friday. Many of the athletes would surely love a boost from our Energy gummies – we’re looking at you, U.S. Skate Team – but we also have a wide range of delicious gummies and chocolates that are perfect for watching the competition at home. We even have gummies made with federally compliant hemp (including Energy) that are available online in most states.
Ready to have fun and cheer on your favorite athletes? There’s no better way to enjoy watching the Olympic Games 2024 than with KANHA gummies.